That's a thing, right?
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Four Chapters To Go!
Ahoy hoy friends!
I'm sure you're all just busting for news...

Illustrations for chapter 8 have just been finished, and what an adventure it was! A kind gaoler's daughter, a daring day-light jailbreak, fleeing on a steam-train... it was a great chapter to work on. Four more to go!
New Book-Putting-Together Person!
That's right! I am very pleased to announce the appointment of an Editor/Graphic Designer who is going to work with me on the production side of things to get everything ready for print: the very wonderful Alex Hurst. As an Editor/Designer she has worked on magazines, books and websites, and regularly puts together anthologies of independent writer's work in Writer's Anarchy.
This is a huge boost for the book, as it means there will be a faster turn-around and a very professional product. She is super-excited to be a part of the project, too!
Monday, 26 May 2014
Thursday, 15 May 2014
The Cars
As promised, here is the second in my blog series about the design processes I've been going through to produce these illustrations. This next one is about the cars, probably the most difficult piece of design work I've done so far (and certainly the one that has gone through the most variations!)
The Cars
Up next: The Inventions and Artifacts!
Monday, 28 April 2014
The Makers' Workshops
High time for an update, isn't it?
Lots of drawing, painting and tweaking is happening every day, but as I don't want to spoil too much of the book there is only a limited amount I can put online. That said, I wanted to share a few insights into my interpretation of the book, especially the bits that relate most to the steampunk/maker theme.
Let's start with...
Lots of drawing, painting and tweaking is happening every day, but as I don't want to spoil too much of the book there is only a limited amount I can put online. That said, I wanted to share a few insights into my interpretation of the book, especially the bits that relate most to the steampunk/maker theme.
Let's start with...
The Makers' Workshops
Up next: The Cars!
Thursday, 13 March 2014
Pre-orders Happening Now!
In response to a few very nice folk saying they'd like to pre-order a book and are most distressed they missed out on the Kickstarter funding, I'm opening donations up again through Paypal for anyone wanting to contribute.
Since the books are still in development and thus far only the $5 reward tier has been delivered on, I couldn't think of any reason not to open up the remaining rewards again to anyone willing to join in. After all, it's not your fault you only just heard about this!
This offer will be open until the rewards and books are all ready to be shipped out, which I'm anticipating will be sometime in June.
Books will be on sale after that, but they won't be the extra-shiny pre-order editions with special thank-yous and extra art, and none of the other rewards will be available.
So here we go!
Since the books are still in development and thus far only the $5 reward tier has been delivered on, I couldn't think of any reason not to open up the remaining rewards again to anyone willing to join in. After all, it's not your fault you only just heard about this!
This offer will be open until the rewards and books are all ready to be shipped out, which I'm anticipating will be sometime in June.
Books will be on sale after that, but they won't be the extra-shiny pre-order editions with special thank-yous and extra art, and none of the other rewards will be available.
So here we go!
$15: FUTURISTIC E-BOOK You will receive a copy of the finished E-Book + Audiobook + previews of the art + your name on the "thank you" page + should we ever meet in person I will shake your hand HEARTILY.
Estimated delivery:$25: GREETING CARDS You will receive a pack of 3 greeting cards featuring the characters looking all adorable and whimsical + finished E-Book + Audiobook + previews of the art + your name on the "thank you" page + I will think about you MOST FONDLY.
Estimated delivery:- $30: SKETCHING/NOTE JOURNAL You will receive a blank Journal featuring the characters on the cover having a jolly nice time + finished E-Book + Audiobook + previews of the art + your name on the "thank you" page + I will SIGH WISTFULLY whenever I look at your name.
Estimated delivery: -
$45: GREETING CARDS + JOURNAL You will receive 3 greeting cards + the Journal + finished E-Book + Audiobook + previews of the art + your name on the "thank you" page + I will tell my cat he should purr EXTRA LOUDLY in your honour.Estimated delivery:
$60: CLASSIC PAPERBACK You will receive a Limited Edition Paperback in timeless black and white + choice of greeting cards or Journal + finished E-Book + Audiobook + previews of the art + your name on the "thank you" page + I will say very NICE THINGS about you, should anyone ask.
Estimated delivery:- $90: MIND-BLOWING FULL COLOUR You will receive a Limited Edition hardcover in dazzling full colour + choice of greeting cards or Journal + finished E-Book + Audiobook + previews of the art + your name on the "thank you" page + I will use your name to make a SINCERE and FLATTERING acrostic.
Estimated delivery: -
$125: DAPPER BOW-TIE AND BOOK You will receive a hand-made bow-tie so you can look super awesome all of the time + choice of Paperback or Hardcover Book + choice of greeting cards or Journal + finished E-Book + Audiobook + previews of the art + your name on the "thank you" page + I will add you to the FRIENDS FOR LIFE list that I keep pinned above my desk.Estimated delivery:
$200: LOVELY DRAWING AND BOOK You will receive an original drawing (18 x 28 cm) of your favourite character + choice of Paperback or Hardcover Book + choice of greeting cards or Journal + finished E-Book + Audiobook + previews of the art + your name on the "thank you" page + I will name one of my pet guppies after you, and tell all the other guppies to be JOLLY NICE to it.Estimated delivery:
$350: AWESOME WATERCOLOUR PAINTING AND BOOK You will receive an original painting (28 x 37cm) of your favourite character + choice of Paperback or Hardcover Book + choice of greeting cards or Journal + finished E-Book + Audiobook + previews of the art + your name on the "thank you" page + I will edit us together in a photo riding a ROLLERCOASTER, shredding on GUITARS and eating ice cream on the BEST DAY of our lives.
Estimated delivery:
A little love from i09...
I've just been made aware (by a very excitable friend) that Steam in the Willows has been given a little feature on i09. How marvellous!
Ratty and Mole, just arrived in Badger's house, warming themselves beside his furnace. No, I'm not sure what the levers do. You'd have to ask Badger.
Thursday, 6 March 2014
First Chapter Preview is Live!
For the special attention of all appropriate contributors, I have made available the first chapter of Steam in the Willows, all formatted and ready for your reading pleasure.
To get the download link and more information, go to the latest Kickstarter update!
For everyone else, you will have to wait patiently until the book is ready. But I will tide you over with some more images very soon (I promise)
To get the download link and more information, go to the latest Kickstarter update!
For everyone else, you will have to wait patiently until the book is ready. But I will tide you over with some more images very soon (I promise)
Saturday, 18 January 2014
All funded, so now what?
It's been a month since my Kickstarter was funded and I imagine there are a few people wondering what I've been up to. To be honest, for the first couple of weeks I looked a bit like Mr. Toad after he's been struck by his first car, sitting dazed in the middle of the road and faintly muttering "poop poop".
But once I pulled myself together and waded through all of the Christmas/New Year shenanigans, I started work on the illustrations in earnest, and took stock of all the work ahead of me.
At current tally, I've finished 16 illustrations and have a rather imposing 50 left to do. A part of me feels like Mole in the Wild Wood, and wants to go and hide in a tree stump.
But a greater, stronger part of me is Ratty, ready to face any challenges head on, and prepared to smack things with a stout club if necessary.
So, full steam ahead! By the end of January I hope to have the first sample chapter ready, which will be distributed for free to all my Kickstarter contributors. For everyone else, you'll have to wait until the book is ready for publication!
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