Saturday, 18 January 2014

All funded, so now what?

It's been a month since my Kickstarter was funded and I imagine there are a few people wondering what I've been up to. To be honest, for the first couple of weeks I looked a bit like Mr. Toad after he's been struck by his first car, sitting dazed in the middle of the road and faintly muttering "poop poop".

But once I pulled myself together and waded through all of the Christmas/New Year shenanigans, I started work on the illustrations in earnest, and took stock of all the work ahead of me. 

At current tally, I've finished 16 illustrations and have a rather imposing 50 left to do. A part of me feels like Mole in the Wild Wood, and wants to go and hide in a tree stump. 
But a greater, stronger part of me is Ratty, ready to face any challenges head on, and prepared to smack things with a stout club if necessary.

So, full steam ahead! By the end of January I hope to have the first sample chapter ready, which will be distributed for free to all my Kickstarter contributors. For everyone else, you'll have to wait until the book is ready for publication!

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