Ahoy hoy friends!
I'm sure you're all just busting for news...

Illustrations for chapter 8 have just been finished, and what an adventure it was! A kind gaoler's daughter, a daring day-light jailbreak, fleeing on a steam-train... it was a great chapter to work on. Four more to go!
New Book-Putting-Together Person!
That's right! I am very pleased to announce the appointment of an Editor/Graphic Designer who is going to work with me on the production side of things to get everything ready for print: the very wonderful Alex Hurst. As an Editor/Designer she has worked on magazines, books and websites, and regularly puts together anthologies of independent writer's work in Writer's Anarchy.
This is a huge boost for the book, as it means there will be a faster turn-around and a very professional product. She is super-excited to be a part of the project, too!
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